Sunday, December 28, 2008

Layout and Design

New Project!

I'm working on a new book layout project for Bridging Culture Worldwide. President and CEO Don Southerton is writing a book tentatively titled "Chemulpo to New Songdo: International Gateway". This will be published as a high quality bilingual coffee table book with lots of historic pictures. 

Outside of the layout itself I have been researching, tracking down, and retouching historic photos. One particular set of photos gave me a laugh. It started with an internet search for old photos of Chemulpo, which turned up the name of an Australian photographer, George Rose. I then came across a fairly recent book containing many of Rose's stereographic prints. However, this book is not in any U.S. library. In the search I enlisted the author Don Southerton's help. As he was currently in Korea I asked him to look for a copy of the book. After some searching on his part he found a copy at Yonsei University. Since we couldn't procure this copy Don noted the location of the original images. Wouldn't you know, they are here in Southern California at the University of California Riverside's Museum of Photography. For a search spanning two continents, the photos are close to home.

For more information about the city of Songdo check out: Songdo IBD Citytalk.


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